Sept. 26, 2020

Workshop Episode: CG's ongoing electronics tests, Jesse's Level 3 project

Workshop Episode: CG's ongoing electronics tests, Jesse's Level 3 project

In this episode, CG talks about how his electronics developments have come along  Specifically, what he learned from the first test flight of Mr. Bean (DEMO-1 mission), and the successful second launch of Mr. Bean (DEMO-2), where his code &...

In this episode, CG talks about how his electronics developments have come along  Specifically, what he learned from the first test flight of Mr. Bean (DEMO-1 mission), and the successful

CG and Mr. Bean

second launch of Mr. Bean (DEMO-2), where his code & flight computer successfully controlled a flight event!  His journey to his Level 2 certification is under way!  Read the details here.

 CD and Gheem @ “Mission Control”

Jesse’s Level 3 project starts to take shape! 

He gives us some details, though he’s a bit secretive on the details right now!

 Another view of Jesse’s L3 Rocket  Jesse’s tube glassing work on his L3 rocket project

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