2021 Communicator Award Winner
TheRocketryShow.com is a 2021 Communicator Award Winner!
TheRocketryShow.com is a 2021 Communicator Award Winner!
chapAppDescWelcome to Episode 114 of The Rocketry Show! In this Episode, we'll be talking about The Hot Nozzle Summer 2021 event! Jenna Kay Foertsch is the one responsible for making it happen, and she joins us from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, where she works, to talk about how…
Jesse spent some time doing an unboxing video of the LOC Precision SkinWaker rocket. This is the same rocket that flew on the episode of SkinWalker Ranch from The History Channel on Season 2 Episode 9! LOC Precision offers this 115” tall, 7.6” diameter and 98mm rocket on sale at…
Jesse U just got a MAC Performance 4" Scorpion rocket!. He shows us the impressive job that Mac Performance Rocketry does with packing their rocket parts for delivery.
Watch this cool video produced by NASA!
Welcome to Episode 6.95! Gary Rosenfield joins us to talk about new high power rocket offerings from Aerotech, and to talk to us about high power rocketry as well. He also talks about Hamster Dance competition that he has been into lately, and if you’re looking for more information on…
In today’s episode, The Rocket N00b talks about FlisKits, the independent model rocket company started nearly 18 years ago by Jim Flis. We take a look back at an annual tradition of CMASS – the Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society – known as the FlisKits Anniversary launch. Since we cannot currently…
This is the first episode of our sister show, The Model Rocket Show (https://themodelrocketshow.com). If you enjoy what you hear, consider subscribing to our program on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Want some cool ideas on ejection charge baffles? Check out CG's twist on some common techniques!
The maiden flight of Gheem's classic OOP NCR X-Wing Fighter rocket.
Team "South West Rocketry" from Springs of Life Christian Fellowship from Los Angeles, CA discus their unique rocket design.
Gheem and CG interview Robin Thurman, Director, Workforce Policy at the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) about the Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC). The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), founded in 1919, only a few years after the birth of flight, is the most authoritative and influential trade association representing the U.S.…
Part 2 of CG's methods for building rockets that are modular in design...
Daniel the Rocket N00b tries a new method to build up the motor tube on the North Coast Rocketry SA-14 Archer, so the centering rings will be a little more snug. The technique for making paper tubes I based this one is on Instructables, and can be found here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-your-own-Kraft-Paper-Tubes/
Daniel the Rocket N00b opens his gift from show sponsor North Coast Rocketry - the SA-14 Archer!
The Rocketry Show covers NARCON 2017 in this video! This video started out more as an experiment, and CG felt that it could be a great visual aid to the podcast. Well, it came out quite a bit better than originally expected, and it became its own thing, separate from…
CG gives an overview on his technique to building Modular Rocket Designs.
Something fun and different for our patrons of The Rocketry Show. As part of all of the studio upgrades, we have been slowly ramping up video capabilities, thanks to the support of listeners, and dedicated sponsors of the program. We are now doing regular tests of our video equipment and…
Short documentary chronicling the events of the Tri-City Skybusters' Great Lakes Regional Meet Revisited 2015. Recorded on May 23, 2015 in Amhurst, Ohio.
Larry Koskie of Michiana Rocketry joins us to discus the Throne Thruster Port – A – Potty launch from a few weeks ago. He is one of the guys behind the launch, and is the Prefect of Michiana Rocketry. A lot of work went into this launch, and it shows!…
In our first show, we introduce ourselves, and give a broad overview of the rocketry hobby. A lot of the topics we breeze through will become topics for full blown shows in the future. Hang out, get to know us a little! :-)