Dec. 11, 2018

[The Rocketry Show] Episode #71: Steve Thatcher of SMTDesigns.Com

[The Rocketry Show] Episode #71: Steve Thatcher of SMTDesigns.Com

We are joined by Steve Thatcher of SMT Designs.  Steve offers a great group of time saving products for rocketeers, and his electronics sleds, which offers quite a bit of configuration flexibility! Enjoy! Some background on Steve Thatcher:...

We are joined by Steve Thatcher of SMT Designs.  Steve offers a great group of time saving products for rocketeers, and his electronics sleds, which offers quite a bit of configuration flexibility!

One of the SMT Designs AV Bays


Some background on Steve Thatcher:

 SMT Designs is a small company that I started to offer rocketry, electronics, photography, and software products. The name is simply my initials and what I do best.  I have many years of experience in a variety of fields.  I am an electronics engineer that can design hardware and write software for embedded platforms.  From concept, to prototype creation, to machining parts for whatever is being designed.

I am also a photographer and have reached a point where I am sharing my view of the world through pictures.  This transition into products was sparked by the passing of a dear friend Pat Stinnett in 2015.  She saw the world and shared her heart through the photos that she produced.  I will try and do the same in her memory.