The Rocketry Show - Episode #37: Jason Cook with Insane Rocketry

Jason Cook from joins us for a fun episode of The Rocketry Show. Jason Cook He talks about his cool product, and talks rocketry with the gang. We also fall into a discussion on the recent success of the Sky Cycle that successfully completed...
Jason Cook from Insane Rocketry joins us for a fun episode of The Rocketry Show.
He talks about his cool product, and talks rocketry with the gang.
We also fall into a discussion on the recent success of the Sky Cycle that successfully completed the old Evel Knievel Snake River jump. This cycle, overseen and designed by Scott Traux redeemed his dad's (the late Robert Traux) Sky Cycle rocket design!
The Sky Cycle used some of Jason Cook's tech on board.
It's a lot of fun, and enjoy!