April 27, 2020

Listener feedback, High Power Rocket safety, and Rocksim 10

Listener feedback, High Power Rocket safety, and Rocksim 10
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The Rocketry Show

In this episode: CG and Tripoli Northern Ohio http://northernohiotra.com Prefect Chris Pearson discus high power rocketry safety tips to use during prepartion phases before launch. This advice encompasses all of the recent Tripoli recommendations as we...

In this episode: CG and Tripoli Northern Ohio http://northernohiotra.com Prefect Chris Pearson discus high power rocketry safety tips to use during prepartion phases before launch. This advice encompasses all of the recent Tripoli recommendations as well. Chris Pearson We get some interesting thoughts & design modifications from a listener on CG's centrifuge tube ejection charges. If you are looking for places to buy these tubes, here are a couple of links to what CG uses: From Amazon.com From Granger   One of CG's Ejection charge centrifuge tubes.   Also, CG and Gheem take their first peak at Rocksim 10! https://www.apogeerockets.com/RockSim/RockSim9_Features