Aug. 1, 2020

July 2020 Workshop Episode

July 2020 Workshop Episode
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The Rocketry Show

Welcome to episode 94 of The Rocketry Show - We’ve been on a roll with great guest interviews lately. The team take a quick break from that this episode to focus more on the results of a few rocketry projects they’ve been working on! -

Welcome to episode 94 of The Rocketry Show We’ve been on a roll with great guest interviews lately. The team take a quick break from that this episode to focus more on the results of a few rocketry projects they’ve been working on! Jesse has been ‘fiberglassing’ a new kit, and building more rockets, but more importantly, recently launched his LOC Precision “Big Nuke”. He tells us all about those, and more! LOC Precision Big Nuke 4, which Jesse has reviewed on the show, flying on an Aerotech K550W to 3189ft! He finally got that in the air on July 17, 2020   Jesse is still putting finishing touches on a Executioner clone. Fiberglassed 29mm and full Dual Deploy Capable. Level 3 project planning including sizing, figuring weights, and which composites to use for each purpose!     Gheem has been building a beautiful X-15 kit, and he catches us up on where he is on that, as well as a few more projects. Gheem’s SNGAero X-15 Grande finishes and ready to fly!   Gheem’s original Estes Pro Series launch controller modified to use lipo batteries On July 25, 2020, CG finally got to test his Radio Telemetry system. Because of all of the “Covid 19 delays, this test ended up being a “full up” test, which means about 5 tests (each would normally have been their own launch) all happening on one launch. Liftoff of CG's Mr. Bean rocket, marking the first test flight of his flight computer / GPS / radio telemetry system! He’ll share how that went!   The receiver & antenna for CG's telemetry system. We also pull some of your emails from the Mailbag that we didn’t have time to get to on earlier episodes!