Welcome to our new website!

Season 5

Sept. 30, 2019

NYPower 2019

Welcome to Episode 80 of The Rocketry Show! - In this episode, CG and Daniel travel to upstate New York for NY Power 2019. - We catch up with Dan Michael and Neil Brown, and we discus their backgrounds, and the launches of their Big ...ahem...
Aug. 10, 2019

Personal “Project Apollo” analogy stories, and Airbrushing followup

The team get together to talk rocket stories and some workshop talk with you on this episode. - We talked about some of the entries seen at our club's Apollo 11 tribute launch on July 20, 2019. One of which was a wonderful gold painted Saturn V by...
Aug. 10, 2019

#79: Personal "Project Apollo" analogy stories, and Airbrushing followup

The team get together to talk rocket stories and some workshop talk with you on this episode. We talked about some of the entries seen at our club's Apollo 11 tribute launch on July 20, 2019. One of which was a wonderful gold painted Saturn V by our...
July 24, 2019

#78 NARCON 2019 Part Three.

Welcome to Episode 78 and the final installment of our NARCON 2019 coverage! Wes Oleszewski, Author "Growing Up With Spaceflight" We are joined by Wes Oleszewski who sits down to talk with us about Growing Up With Spaceflight,
July 24, 2019

#78 NARCON 2019 coverage Part Three.

Welcome to the final installment of our NARCON 2019 coverage! We are joined by Wes Oleszewski who sits down to talk with us about Growing Up With Spaceflight, as well as some information on his retirement from Dr. Zooch Rockets, and some fond Dr....
June 27, 2019

#77 – NARCON 2019 Part Two

This is another "all star" episode! - We're joined by Tim Van Milligan from Apogee Rockets and Brian Houghton of Fins & Fire discuss an interesting collaboration project that gives your rocket the ability to paraglide its way home to you! -
June 26, 2019

#77 – NARCON 2019 Part Two

This is an “all star” episode! We’re joined by Tim Van Milligan from Apogee Rockets discuss an interesting collaboration project with Fins & Fire that gives your rocket the ability to paraglide its way home to you!  Randy Boadway stops...
May 20, 2019

#76 NARCON 2019 Part One

The entire Rocketry Show team head to Cape Canaveral, Florida to cover NARCON 2019.   CG, Daniel the Rocket n00b together for the first time! They witness a night time Falcon 9 launch, Gheem and Daniel (The n00b) meet face to face for the first t...
May 19, 2019

The Rocketry Show # 5.76: NARCON 2019 Part One

The entire Rocketry Show team head to Cape Canaveral, Florida to cover NARCON 2019.   CG, Daniel the Rocket n00b together for the first time! They witness a night time Falcon 9 launch, Gheem and Daniel (The n00b) meet face to face for the...
April 21, 2019

#75 Workshop discussions!

CG, Gheem, and Daniel the Rocket n00b get together to visit with you, and talk rocket shop talk. CG has been busily editing through the TONS of audio we have from NARCON 2019, and it's taken over the production time for the show.  As a result,
April 21, 2019

[The Rocketry Show] #5.75: Workshop discussions!

CG, Gheem, and Daniel the Rocket n00b get together to visit with you, and talk rocket shop talk. CG has been busily editing through the TONS of audio we have from NARCON 2019, and it's taken over the production time for the show.  As a result,...
April 4, 2019

The LOC Mafia: Helping a rocketeer in need!

The LOC Mafia has organized to help the Hayes family of Stickershock. From the The Loc Mafia: Mark from StickerShock23 needs our help!  His wife Marian is suffering from an aggressive form of cancer, causing a huge difficulty in both of their...
Feb. 28, 2019

#74 Ellis Langford and Bill Stine of Estes Industries

- Ellis Langford and Bill Stine of Estes Industries joins us to talk about the current state of Estes Industries, and its future. Ellis Langford of Estes We had an enjoyable conversation that we think you all will like. -
Feb. 11, 2019

#73 Ken Patterson on Realistic Looking Modeling and Air Brushes! (Pt. Two)

This is part two of our episode on Airbrushes 101 with Ken Patterson. Ken is an award winning modeler of military aircraft of all kinds, and shares techniques that he has honed and perfected continuously since his childhood,
Feb. 11, 2019

[The Rocketry Show] #5.73: Ken Patterson on Realistic Looking Modeling and Air Brushes! (Pt. Two)

Here is Part two of our Airbrushes 101 episode with Ken Patterson! Ken is an award winning modeler of military aircraft of all kinds, and shares techniques that he has honed and perfected continuously since his childhood, and he helps The Rocket n00b...
Feb. 7, 2019

The Rocketry Show #: 5.74 Ellis Langford and Bill Stine of Estes Industries

Ellis Langford and Bill Stine of Estes Industries join us to talk about the current state of Estes Industries, and look to the future by discussing a few of their plans for the company. Image: Ellis Langford of Estes Industries.  (Photo: The...
Jan. 25, 2019

#72 Ken Patterson on Realistic Looking Modeling and Air Brushes! (Pt. One)

Ken Patterson in studio Ken Patterson, a friend of CG joins us in studio to talk about airbrushes, primarily, but the discussion quickly blooms into topics we can all use...especially those of us looking to make our rockets look realistic.
Jan. 25, 2019

[The Rocketry Show] #5.72: Ken Patterson on Realistic Looking Modeling and Air Brushes! (Pt. One)

Ken Patterson, a friend of CG joins us in studio to talk about airbrushes, primarily, but the discussion quickly blooms into topics we can all use…especially those of us looking to make our rockets look realistic. These topics apply especially to...
Dec. 11, 2018

[The Rocketry Show] #5.71: Steve Thatcher of SMTDesigns.Com

We are joined by Steve Thatcher of SMT Designs.  Steve offers a great group of time saving products for rocketeers, and his electronics sleds, which offers quite a bit of configuration flexibility! - One of Steve Thatcher's AV bay designs. - Enjoy!
Dec. 11, 2018

[The Rocketry Show] Episode #71: Steve Thatcher of SMTDesigns.Com

We are joined by Steve Thatcher of SMT Designs.  Steve offers a great group of time saving products for rocketeers, and his electronics sleds, which offers quite a bit of configuration flexibility! Enjoy! Some background on Steve Thatcher:...
Nov. 18, 2018

Season 5 premier! – Workshop discussions / Bama Blastoff initial report / Some information on the show.

Welcome to season 5 of the rocketry show! - Joe Barnard's Halloween Costume... -   - Joe's costume is based on the notorious Elon Musk smoking marijuana during a podcast incident... -   - The crew of the rocketry show gather to talk a little a...
Nov. 18, 2018

[The Rocketry Show] # 70: Season 5 debut!

Welcome to season 5 of the rocketry show! Joe Barnard’s Halloween Costume…     Joe’s costume is based on the notorious Elon Musk smoking marijuana during a podcast incident…   The crew of the rocketry show gather to...