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Season 3

Oct. 27, 2018

[The Rocketry Show] #3.33 (Recast): Astronaut, Colonel Rick Searfoss

We are happy to re-cast a wonderful conversation we had with former NASA Astronaut, Col. Rick Searfoss back in 2016.  He joined us to talk about rockets, The Space Shuttle, and being an astronaut! - Col. Rick Searfoss - From his NASA Bio: -
Dec. 18, 2016

The Rocketry Show - Episode #39: Welcome John Boren from Estes

John Boren from Estes Rockets joins us, and talks rocket kits with us. Get a sneak peak into what goes behind a new Estes Rocket design, and the criteria behind why some designs happen! Also, We answer a very interesting question from one of our...
Nov. 20, 2016

The Rocketry Show - Episode #37: Jason Cook with Insane Rocketry

Jason Cook from joins us for a fun episode of The Rocketry Show. Jason Cook He talks about his cool product, and talks rocketry with the gang. We also fall into a discussion on the recent success of the Sky Cycle that successfully completed...