Feb. 15, 2021
104: Workshop Talk With Toby Vanderbeek

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In Episode 104, we are joined by Toby Vanderbeek in our second workshop show in the new format! - We talk rockets, and a little about what toby has done with his work on rocketry with his https://www.vander-burn.com Vander Burn-rocketry project. -
In Episode 104, we are joined by Toby Vanderbeek in our second workshop show in the new format!
We talk rockets, and a little about what toby has done with his work on rocketry with his https://www.vander-burn.com Vander Burn-rocketry project.
Vanderburn Estes Goblin fin upgrades. Listen to the episode to find out why!
The gang talk about their favorite motors, rocket adventures, and CG gives a glimpse into his 2021 flight computer tests, and more!
Jesse's favorite propellant. This is the photo he mentions in the podcast.